Wednesday 30 May 2007

In defence of Russia

On the RNT post the new missile shield in Poland is being discussed.

The whole idea is stupid. hat missile shield is not going to stop any Russian nukes, since their stock is huge and there are only like 10 interceptors - they'll get through.
So why is it there. It's not for practical reasons, it's symbolic.
1) To test Russia. In the same way you put your hands on a woman's leg to see if you can further. It seems to me that if Russia acquiesces America can continue to politically encroach on Russia's near abroad. If Russia complains people like the Guardian writer above announce a new cold war.

Russia can't win really.

If you prod bears in their caves with a stick for 15 years they tend to get a bit bad tempered.
Especially since they were attacked in 1700, 1812, 1855, 1914, 1941 - all from the west.
The oligarchs screwed up their economy in the 1990s - with support from the west.

For the record. Russia has never attacked the West.

I partly blame the other east Europeans. They are tails wagging the American dog. There's a strong Polish/Baltic ethnic lobby in the US. Like the Jewish lobby really.
These guys are fanatic nationalists, never lived in the home countries they are cheering for.

Another fuck up for US foreign policy is looming. I just can't believe it. I have known (and loved) Russians.

Leave Russia alone.

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