Thursday, 31 May 2007

On America's poor border manners deterring visitors....

There are some fantastically literate contributions attacking the US in the Guardian today. Makes you realise what the country is losing.
On Saturday the Russian ambassador came on to CIF to defend his country's position on its differences with the UK. It was emollient and respectful, talking about Russia's complete non desire for a new cold war. (If he thought he was talking to a population of men-children spoonfed on fear by their russophobic media he didn't show it.)
I suspect we will wait a long time before the ambassador of the leader of the free and democratic world comes out of the London "Green Zone" (Mayfair) and does the same. We're vassals of course. Don't need to be addressed as equals.

Countries do change. The historian Gordon Craig began his epic book on the Germans with descriptions of a placid, peaceful, democratic people, the best eductaed in Europe, provincial, interested only in their own affairs, living in their beautiful, well tended cities, happy to let invasions pass over and pass by. He was quoting a historian decribing the German states in the mid 19th c.

I am not saying the USA is The Third Reich, it's facile and pointless these historical analogies, (like those neocons who have anointed more Hitlers and more Chamberlains than I have had hot dinners)
But countries do change.

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