Thursday, 31 May 2007

Yeah, Estonia

Some guy writes further in the TGA post in the Guardian that 4m Brits a year go to America but if we don't like it we can always go to Estoia.
"But while that's being considered please consider going elsewhere. I hear Estonia is lovely this time of year. Check it out."
I write back to say that:
In case what he was really saying was "Ok, if you Brit guys love Russia so much why don't you go to Estonia, where there's a war going on. New Beirut. Russian spies, infiltrators, cold war, commies coming back, burning cars, end of democracy. Ha ha. "
I can assure him that the biggest danger to Estonia's security comes from the British stagnighters who already go there in large numbers and vomit on its payments.
When I went to eastern Europe in the late 80s/early 90s it was a silent and peaceful as a large museum. Now of course it's turned into a large gogo bar/casino, attracting stormtroopers from the unmarried ranks of Middle England.
It's ironic that the Estonians worry about the Russians, Russian invasion, etc, when the biggest threat to their existence probably comes from the right of 500m Europeans to come and settle in their once small, beautiful and peaceful country.
Peaceful because communism was so inefficient at generating things like Walmarts and gas stations and casinos.
Closed borders didn't keep out the outside world.

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