Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Moving towards a bipolar world

One of the consequences of America's provocations is that, psychologically at least, we are once again moving towards a bipolar world.
Lots of arguments on this thread about East versus West and the superiority of respective political classes (if not yet social setups) are resurfacing. Deja vu for many. Except this time Russia has a much stronger hand, having conceded its weak points and agreed on many areas where it has been wrong. Now it's America that is exposed.
Good for Russia, a better berth for western refuseniks than Iran or China could ever be.
Seriously, the EU should set up an alliance with Russia.
Technology transfer and investment in return for mineral resources, Russia's nuclear know-hown and the rights for the new Volksdeutsche to settle a Siberia vacated by the Russian inability to procreate.

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