Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Poland's manipulations

Poland manipulated England into going to war with Germany to defend your country to honour its promise committed for sentimental seasons and human rights - God knows why, since Poland was the second most anti semitic country on the planet.
Germany did not want a war with the UK, and would have left the British empire alone. You also boasted about your military strength and exaggerated, we believed this bullshit. You collapsed very quickly of course. The result: we faced a now hostile Germany and our "ally" had disappeared.
Thank you Poland!
No, going to war on Poland's behalf was a big mistake. And your typical history perspective - this is not personal - shows that we haven't one molecule of gratitude for this either.
Poland would have been better off giving up and becoming a satellite state like Hungary.
Servitude or destruction? Your choice. Not our problem. Sometimes history leaves us with two unpleasant choices and it's not our fault Poland is situated it were it is.
It's your responsibility. You deal with it.
And leave out the stuff about Poland sacrificing itself messianically for the rest of Europe.

This may sound callous but maybe Chamberlain allowing himself to be manipulated by the Poles was a big disaster.
I don't happen to think Hitler was determin ed to conquer the world: he might even have left France alone. And if not...well the French are as bad as the Poles when it comes for blaming the Anglo-Saxons for actually saving them
I'd have left the whole damn lot of you for sixty years ans saved British lives...Europe would probably have found peace and ended up more or less as it is today anyway. Except two nations on either side of Germany would probably be a little bit more humble and a little bit better German speakiong.

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